My plan is to tune the organ in some slightly unequal temperament. If I am practicing for hours with a limited number of ranks, I would at least like to have the color and spice of an unequal temperament to liven things up. Nothing drastic, probably Bach/Lehman 1722 or maybe Vallotti. If I do this, the unified mutation will not sound very good, so I opted to have an independent 2 2/3' Nasat. To do this, I had to trick the console into playing the new rank. First, I disconnected the jumper wire in the relay connecting middle C with soprano G, etc. Then I connected a new cable so that the contacts in the 2 2/3' relay now go to their own junction and ultimately their own chest.
I considered several options for the pipes themselves. Possibly a tapered rank, or maybe an open flute? Do I want it more flutey or more principal? All I knew is that I wanted something that would compliment my existing ranks and provide a spicy solo registration with the 8' Gedeckt. I found a 1 1/3' mutation that had been cut-down and revoiced from a string rank. The tone was described as a flute-principal hybrid, not too loud, perfect for a home organ. I wanted it to be 2 2/3', so I thought if I got these and put a few pipes with it from a spare, damaged principal rank I had, I could take it down to about bottom G and let the very bottom of the compass remain unified. I decided to go that route and will figure out the voicing issues later.

When the pipes arrived, I set about designing the windchest. The only place left for more pipes is on the fake mantel over the fake fireplace behind the Bourdon. Rather than try to find the prefect chest for this tight application, I decided to design and build my own. Since the two-rank chest I built earlier worked alright, I decided to design this in the same style- vinyl tubing connecting the magnets to the pouch boards. It is much more compact though, with three rows of pipes, chromatically. There will be just enough space to reach around the Bourdon and tune the Nasat. Construction of the chest went as expected and it worked fine when I tested it. My only concern is that this rank is rather far from the reservoir, so if the wind gets bouncy on this, I may have to add a concussion bellows to the chest. That remains to be seen.
Below is a link to a Picasa Web Album with more photos. If you have been following this project, you will remember that I promised to include a video of laying the pneumatic pouches after I forgot to make one when I was building the two-rank chest. Well, the video is in this album, so check it out!
Nasat Chest Album