Last weekend I removed all the pouch boards from the main manual chest and the oboe chest for inspection, cleaning, and repairs. When I removed the bottom boards and looked at what was inside, I almost lost it. I realized that I had absolutely no idea what I was looking at or what to do with it. It took a little time to figure out where to start, but I slowly and cautiously began removing screws. Once I got started, I began to understand how the action really works. Click on the picture to see a whole album of pictures from that day.

I posted my situation on the Organ Forum and DIYapason for additional advice. The responses were mixed. Some said take the time to releather anyway. Others said put the damn thing together and start practicing. One person suggested I try scratching the leather where it is glued to the pouch board. It would then be obvious if the leather is rotting internally. Light to moderate pressure with my thumb nail had no effect. I had to really bear down to leave any mark in the leather what-so-ever.
Finally, I decided to replace the six bad pouches and move on to other projects. I hope to get another 15+ years out of the old pouches before they start to fail. I guess time will tell. I have an appointment with Fred Zander at Bedient's shop on Monday morning to learn how to replace the bad pouches. In the mean time, I will rewire the Dulciana as it needs no re-leathering. I am also headed to Menard's right now to buy lumber for the main chest bearers.
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