December 14, 2012

New HVAC System Installed

So, I realize this isn't directly related to the organ, but I had to get this home improvement project done before the organ is be installed.

My furnace was originally installed in 1956.  It was a massive thing with a water-cooled air conditioner, which was state-of-the-art at the time.  Although it still worked as well as when it was new, and the AC is very energy efficient (if you don’t mind the outrageous water bill), the furnace was only ~40% efficient.  Every time it kicked on I could picture all those dollar signs going up the flue.  As a result, I only kept the house about 50 degrees all winter and rarely (never) used the AC in the summer.

Although an organ can endure a lack of climate control, it is better to keep it a more consistent and moderate temperature.  An organ will go flat in a cold room and go sharp in a warm one.  The change is about 2 cents per degree.  One 'cent' is 1/100th of a semi-tone.  As long as the temperature in the room is uniform (no warm or cold spots), the organ will generally be in tune with itself, but A isn't going to be 440 Hz when it is very warm or very cold.  When the temperature returns to normal, the tuning generally goes back to normal as well.

A couple weeks ago, I had a new high efficiency furnace with a modern air conditioner installed.  I also had my air ducts cleaned.  Now with better equipment I am keeping the house about 60 degrees in winter and might keep it a little warmer after the organ is installed.  I still don’t plan to use the AC much in the summer.  Hopefully this home improvement project will create a more favorable environment for the organ, and save me some money on utilities (or at least keep me a little warmer in the winter!).

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